“Better results, better outcome” means you need to do the work!  I would love to write a book that says “3 easy steps to the best nutrition” but that’s like saying “3 easy steps to running a marathon” which is so far from the truth, as you know….or everyone would be doing it.
There is no perfectly easy way to do…anything really, everything takes dedication, time, coordination, choice, love, and respect.
We all have to work at a healthy lifestyle to get results we want to see. better results, better outcome
The best way to get results is to have a plan, and then your result is in a sense is “easier”. 
Like running a marathon and finishing it, and saying…that was easier than I thought it was going to be.  I had a plan, trained hard, and yes, I may have faltered a little, but all in all, I stuck to it and committed myself to program. 
This is the same as finding a plan of healthy eating, a healthy mindset, a healthy lifestyle, a protocol, a program, a coach.  A coach can help uncover deeper patterns that lead to certain health conditions, with also doing some functional testing to reveal what is actually happening inside the body, these ways help to unwind bad patterns and correcting balance within.
Food is our best medicine and/or our worse enemy.
Many times we think we are making the correct choices but not quite understanding why we don’t feel well…just like we think we are training well for our marathon when we have bad posture, bad strides, and not resting when needed to recover…
“Better results, better outcome” is by no means sugarcoating it, it’s work, it’s finding time to turn your life around into a lifestyle you want for your future takes time and patience, and it’s all well worth it. 
It is a 100% commitment when we work together on both ends, I will give you 100% attention when you give yourself 100% commited time for your self. When you want results, you need to do the work if you want your future to be simplier, easier and brighter.
If you are wanting to further your health for a “better results, better outcome” please see my page
https://jewelwellnessmaui.com/nutrition-coaching/ and send me a message/email to set up a free 15 minute call to understand your story and how I can help make your process to cleaning up your health easy, simple, and a lot more fun.  
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