Covid Rules: There really isn’t any….

I found this out, Covid rules: there really isn’t any and healing from Covid has been an experience. The headache, the fever, the soar throat that felt like I was swallowing swords for 4 days, the congestion – for me was/is (as I am writing this I still am congested) But, it’s different from the typical cold symptoms, but kind-of  the same too. I still have no idea where it came from or the “who” gave it to me..was it just flowing around in the air, or did someone who was asymptomatic carry it and whoop it jumped on to me. I have always been the careful one, still a little uncomfortable with hugs, and thinking…where have they been, or, didn’t you just got off a plane. I meet everyone outside still, and when we are inside, I again, still feel awkward sitting close to someone…maybe it’s because I haven’t gotten it till now, I skated through these past 3 years untouched by Covid, till now, when I was at my highest stressed, no sleep, exhausted body, and literally I just kept going….until I woke up at 2am with what felt like shards of glass in the back of my throat.

The first few days when the sickness took hold, it was the normal cold/flu like symptoms. But day 5, I noticed it just lingered, and stayed the same, until day 12…I tested a few times and every-time it kept saying positive. I continued with exactly the same symptoms. The fatigue started to set in however, was it from fighting the virus or was it covid itself. It’s day 15 now, and I have gotten a negative test on day 13. Now my symptoms are lightening up, they don’t have the grasp they once did.  The congestion is still lingering and I am still waiting for my ears to open up, feel like I have been wearing ear muffs for days!

What have I done, being a nutritionist I have honestly felt a bit defeated. I have heard so many stories of many getting better in 5 days, or not really feeling bad at all.  “Back on my bike at day 6!!” ” I was out walking on day 7 and back at work a day later” So not me. Then I heard some that felt better in 10 days but the fatigue lasted another 7 days. Covid rules: there really isn’t any here, everyone is completely different. But what about me, I have a pristine diet, I take many supportive supplements, I work with meditation, and then I realized how I felt before Covid, I was deflated, exhausted, stressed out, and realized if there was a time, that was it to come grab me. I worked with many before that who had covid and supported them on their journey back to health. However, being “in it” is a different story, who was around to support me. I was. I ate zero sugar even though my body craved comfort food, I refrained and ate accordingly. Tasting wasn’t so fun, as the first 3 days everything was metal tasting, even water tasted like metal in my mouth. That went away, but still don’t have enjoyment for food anymore, nothing tastes great. I have to remember what things taste like and cook it and try to pretend.

The infrared sauna is really what has been saving me. I got in on day 5 and have done it everyday since, sometimes twice a day. I get excited as I turn it on to start warming up. I pour a huge ball jar of reverse osmosis water, add ice, electrolytes, grab a few towels, my phone, and ready. I know that sweating is a huge way to detox the body, and the heat (can it kill viruses – who knows) but it opened me up, I could breathe in there, my ears would pop a ton, and I could think again…plus the sweat feels so good. Not only as I feel amazing after every sauna session, I swear my skin is softer and I feel “cleaner.” Infrared saunas heal and help with so many other things, as well.

Covid rules: there really isn’t any out there that make sense, we need to do what makes us feel better in the moment and how it will help us in the long run. I didn’t use any “over the counter” medications except advil on the first 2 days as my throat was unbearable. I also did try some decongestant that didn’t seem to work at all. I did use a natural/herbal cold/cough liquid for a few days, don’t know if it really helped. I dug into my supplement drawer and found my anti- inflammatory supports of SPM, omegas 3’s (doubled up on them) and curcumin. I added Vit C 4 times a day for about 10 days and some B vitamins as well. I am glad my body can fight naturally, and hopefully this will only make me stronger. I have not been sick, not even a sniffle since 2017, so I was “due.”

Hydration is key, besides a ton of water, I think I have drank every type of tea these past two weeks, licorice, nettle, green, chamomile, dandelion, red raspberry leaf, immune active, turmeric, chai, cleanse and detox, and my favorite nighty night. I am so happy to be able to breathe again, think again, and now get on this computer and work again. It feels good, but I have to say, I needed the rest. I think our bodies get sick at times when we need rest the most. Have you ever looked back and really seen when we get sick, is it when we need rest, or right before vacation, or right after a big project was due? It seems like it’s a way to rejuvenate and allow the body to get back into balance…But I will also take a really good look at myself in the future and not let myself “go” like I did, as I know better. I knew how stressed out I was but I just kept going. Loving ourselves is the most important, as I literally couldn’t help anyone these past 2 weeks for massage or nutrition consulting as I didn’t help myself first. I kept thinking, I didn’t put my oxygen airline mask on first…but I did put it on others.



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