detox fall cleanseWhat’s the reasoning behind a cleanse for the body and why do I suggest a fall cleanse? I have been talking about the lover a lot lately on my new facebook groups page NERD Nutrition, please follow if you haven’t already, ask me questions and get tips and tricks about nutrition issues and understandings.

The liver is one of my favorite organs and it does over 500 functions for our bodies to stay healthy, however when we eat the wrong foods or drink too many alcoholic drinks we can burden the liver and the body won’t be able to clean out and cleanse as well as it once did before. This is where you may feel fatigued, arthritic, lazy – feeling, rashes may pop up, acne, a dullness to your skin, constipation could be a problem, or diarrhea, aches and pains you never had before, stomach issues, digestion issues, sleep issues and the list goes on. If the liver was so easy to clean out why aren’t we all doing it? Well the big factor here is, the liver de-conjugates hormones and many other toxins the body has already broken down, in phase 1 of the detox process.  Phase 2 of the livers process is about getting these things out of the body, and most of the time many people have a really fast phase 1 detox pathway and very slow phase 2 detox path…leading to these toxins to freely float around in the body. Hormones are a big one, we don’t want these to be floating around, we need them out of the body once they are already used up, as they can become very toxic and lead into some cancers. So, in a nut shell we can’t exactly just go ahead and try and clean the liver out if our pathways are closed off. We need to start a little earlier in the process and make sure motility is working, gut health is optimal, food from healthy organic sources, and mental capacities are alert. Now the liver can get some attention and be able to detox itself and you will feel better when detoxing without the strong herx reactions like headaches, extreme fatigue, stomach nausea, random pain, and sleeplessness.

A fall cleanse is important to have a clean bill of health heading into the winter. We are inside more often, heat is radiating throughout homes, its colder outside, and germs can stick around longer.  Our immune should be at its most healthiest in the winter, so cleaning the liver out before the weather drops is a good protocol.

When I think of fall I think of apples, crinkling leaves, orange, red, and yellow colors, cinnamon, cloves, haystacks, pumpkins, coziness, hot teas, long outside walks, a crispness to the air, and a fresh morning feeling.  Many like the spring or summer to do a cleanse, but I honestly love both, a spring and fall cleanse. cleansing twice a year can leave you feeling more alert and happy as it cleans out your gut to provide better neurotransmitter for the brain, (did you know most of if not all your neurotransmitters are made in your gut, especially the happy hormone serotonin) Fall brings a fun idea to cleansing with all the fall recipes and warming soups and stews.

How can I help you? Do you have a favorite cleanse you do a few times a year? Are you willing to make a change in your health? Would you like to see a change in your day to day feeling of being/living in your skin? Many times it’s not just about gut health, or fatigue, but about brain health, or maintenance health. I would love to share my liver cleanses and how to get your body feeling optimal with doing the deep dive into why you are feeling that way from the beginning. Some people have said, I never knew what it felt like to be healthy, I always thought I was at the best I could get, I feel so much more alert, and pain free, sleep wonderfully and have time for fun now.

heres my facebook group Nerd Nutrition page if you would like to follow:

Hope to hear from you soon! or drop me a note if you are looking for some advice or a consult.




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