Give the Gift of nutrition to yourself this year, this is a gift we can’t give to others, as no one will “receive” that gift well. One has to be “all-in” when wanting to change their lifestyle and diet behaviors, as it is a behavior and not a habit. Diets don’t work, you work, you are an individual that work independently than someone else, or should I say everyone else. You have a different make up, DNA, genetics, body structure, values, mindset, food sensitivities, eating style, food preferences, athletic ability, and so on…How could you eat the same as another? It’s simply impossible. gift of nutrition 2 Let figure this out together through different lifestyle choices, different testing options (as I never guess anymore, I test), and digging deep into what makes you feel good.

Have you heard of nutrigenomics? I have just finished a course in nutritional genomics where we test your genes to find out your genetic disposition to certain foods, food preferences, things like caffeine, sugar, coffee, certain vitamins, if you can absorb them or if there is something blocking your absorption level of getting these nutrients into your cells, did you ever wonder about it being a genetic thing? I didn’t, but what I found out about myself was incredible. Gift the gift of nutrition to you this season for a year to remember.

Here’s a little short story, about 25 years ago I started experiencing dizzy spells, and at weird times of the day, and couldn’t figure out why they were happening…when I was a kid I had them a little, but, not as drastic, where back then a doctor told me to eat every hour or so to keep my blood sugar stable, but, now I know that wasn’t the problem, and if anything it shot my blood sugar through the roof, because i didn’t know how to eat back then. I did many tests in my early 20’s to finally discover I was Vitamin B12 deficient and it was causing incredible dizzy spins, confusion, and even lack of being able to make a decision, I even walked sideways- thinking I was walking in a straight line…they originally said I just was having vertigo. I began a series of B12 shots in the bum and felt better immediately.  What I know now and how the body absorbs B12, and where it makes B12 I didn’t have a chance at healing myself as I had no idea what to do. I go off and on taking B12 (orally now) and noticing that at times it helps and at others it doesn’t.  I had a naturopath a few years back tell me after doing a quick DNA test that I had a hard time absorbing Vit B12… I took that to heart, but didn’t understand why, and here I am, whalla…I did my Nutrigenomix test a few weeks ago, and there it was, my DNA has a SNP that changes the way I absorb this vitamin, or lack of absorbing the vitamin.  Everyone needs a super strong robust gut in order to make Vit B12 however, I also need help in a supplement form for the rest of my life in order to keep this crucial vitamin in my body as my body just won’t grab a hold of it as my DNA is coded differently. I also learned about so many other vitamins that my body just won’t grab a hold of, and what kind of foods help me lose weight faster, and what kind of exercise is right for me, also if coffee is good for me or not (some people coffee and caffeine will actually reduce heart problems if they drink more of it!) Are you that person? It’s maybe time to find out!

There is so much we can do for our bodies in regard to eating better and eating correctly, but what we don’t know is what is going on chemically inside our bodies and all its reactions to things. I love different testing options here, gut testing, hormone testing, adrenal, blood work, and now adding genomics to my testing options is putting huge pieces of the puzzle together.

Whether you are needing help identifying certain foods that are giving you problems, or why you can’t seem to get over heartburn or acid reflux, understanding when to eat, getting results for certain ailments like gas, bloating, headaches, pain, weight control, or maybe you just need support, giving yourself a gift of nutrition for the next year is something that will change your life. If anything you will learn so much about yourself and how to move forward on your own.

Find me on the web or reach out for more info. Jewel Wellness Maui.




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