nutrition for muscles
Nutrition is something I think about everyday and I think we are living in a time period that nutrition is something that needs to be easy, and fast, and possibly thinking it’s safer and healthier coming out of a factory instead of the garden. Is everything we are taught about nutrition wrong? We have been taught about good nutrition by looking at nutrition guidelines from the USDA and their recommended doses, we also get pushed into believing that fat is bad and causes high cholesterol and triglycerides. Is this true? Unfortunately giant food corporations are where the money is, they over take farms and the little guys who just can’t complete. Did you know that many Doctors get about a week in training of nutrition in medical school? Most dietitians and also unable to help as they are taught to promote and follow USDA recommendations. Where and what are we left with? News media and programs to tell us what and how to eat? There are shows like the Doctors, and special guests that appeared on day-time T.V., that every once in a while will share some great advice from a holistic doctor or nutritionist. However, if you were lucky enough to watch it, great, but most of us aren’t following T.V. all day long. Wandering through grocery stores and markets you see the biggest sellers in the middle row at eye level, don’t be fooled here, these are just the stores way of getting you to buy the more expensive items. There is so much confusion and conflicting advice out there with very little schooling about real nutrition with how to eat, when to eat, and what to eat. I will tell you this: We are not smarter than nature!! These companies cannot make food better that what nature makes. Always eat real food, whole food, food that comes from the ground or animals that eat food from the ground, free of chemicals, pesticides and hormones.
There is so much to talk about on this subject so I will narrow it down and talk about grains. What we have been told is to eat whole grains, and that whole grains means brown foods instead of the white foods. “Whole grains” are now posted on the front of cereal boxes and want to be shown as healthier and “better” for you. Possibly, if they were actually made out of your oven and processed without any chemicals whatsoever. However, coming out of a box or any sort of container you need to reconsider, as they are no longer in a natural state no matter how “whole” the grains are. Whole grain products are still refined foods.
Grains are causing a lot of controversy especially with gluten problems, celiac disease, thyroid problems, leaky gut, and autoimmune challenges. Grains are the culprit and even instigator of all these problems. However, the government still tells us to eat grains, and make at least half of them whole. Farming for wheat is extremely lucrative, and easy, much easier than growing other vegetables that need constant care. Spray some pesticides, chemicals, and water, and sun and boom you have wheat. I really don’t know a lot about farming, but I do know it’s much easier and cheaper to grow fields of wheat than it is to grow fields of tomatoes, or cucumbers, carrots, brussel sprouts, as they are need a lot more manual labor. On the other hand, we are hooked on bread, we are hooked on that chewy, stretchy, and soft, but crunchy texture that tastes so good when you smear on butter or olive oil. I have been there, its hard to stop, roll after roll, and sandwiches are easier put together with bread on either side of your fillings. Do you know what wheat actually does to you? Do you know what grains are doing to you? Just to touch on wheat, which has the gliadin protein in it (its the protein when combined with water gives wheat that stretchy/crunchy texture) However, that protein when it goes inside us, it literally “scratches” your lining of your intestines. This is in every single person! Whether you are gluten intolerant or not. The reason some people don’t have issues with gluten is that their immune system in their gut can heal those “scratches” faster that other people, it doesn’t mean that they don’t get them. So think about it, if you eat bread every day, or 3 times a day, 7 days a week those scratches can get pretty big, leading to holes which is literally “leaky gut” allowing bacteria, parasites, other food particles that your system didn’t break down to enter into your blood stream. These foregin particales become antigens and the body knows to start fighting them as they don’t want to be in your blood. We then will get a response from our immune to start fighting these antigens. That is why when someone eats gluten/wheat they can have headaches, stomach pain, bloating, gas, rashes, itchy skin, running nose, fatigue, and inflammation of any kind, the list goes on and on.
So why is the government and majority of schools still telling that it’s ok to eat grains? Is it for making these companies more money? Is it for making the pharmaceuticals companies more money once you are sick from eating all the grains? Is it that they just don’t know?
Heres another thought to leave you with for good nutrition (and will get involved with this in another blog post later). Grains, once consumed, are broken down and turn into glucose for our bodies to use. This is great when we need energy, however, we aren’t exercising to the same degree as we used to, so eating these grains end up being stored as fat. Once when we were hunter and gathers we would eat plenty of vegetables, animals, and a small amount of grains. These grains were also chemical free, and were baked at home to be eaten soon afterwards. We needed this source of energy to survive back then, however, today we don’t need any of it, (there are plenty of other foods that give us energy and much more healthier) nor the chemicals that come with them. In keeping yourself healthy and clean, ditch the grains, they are just not good source of nutrition or energy for our bodies, there are plenty of other choices to eat out there!